Laxmi Capital News
Province 7 endorses policy and programme

The policy and programme presented by Province 7 governmentat the meeting of provincial assembly for fiscal year 2018-19 has beenunanimously endorsed today.

The annual policy and programme presented byGovernor Mohan Raj Malla at the province assembly on June 9 was discussed on10-12 June.

Earlier, while responding to the queriesraised in course of the discussion of policy and programme, Chief MinisterTrilochanBhatta said the province government is working to attain developmentand prosperity of the province through shared efforts in the context of newpractice.

To queries of opposition party regardingbudget spending of the current fiscal year, Chief Minister Bhatta clarifiedthat the expenditure is being incurred within the existing Acts and laws andits detail will be made public soon.

At the onset of the meeting, Minister of Lawfor Internal Affairs and Law Prakash Bahadur Shah had tabled a Bill regardingoperational arrangement for Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly-2075 BS.

A programme is set for the presentation ofcoming fiscal year’s budget in the next meeting scheduled for June 15.

Source: The Himalayan Times, 13thJune 2018

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